Sunday 18 October 2015

Romance film target audience

Romance films are usually aimed at the female gender ages 13-18 and some older. This is due to the light heated nature of films that are produced in this genre.  Romance films are usually based around the girl, so it attracts a female audience. Girls can also find them relatable, due to heart-aches are relationship problems. Generally, every women dreams of a man coming along and sweeping her of her feet. They have no face in their delusion, and the romantic genre of film, puts a face on their dream man.

Image result for dirty dancing coverDirty dancing is a very popular and well known film. The front cover of the film is effective. We can clearly see from the front cover that the film is targeted at a audience of 18-60. This is because it is a classic romance film, which is suitable for a wider range of people. We can see from the title that it would be aimed at a older audience as it has the adjective "dirty" in it, suggesting that it would be inappropriate for a younger audience. Furthermore, the two characters on the cover are very intimate, suggesting the film has sexual references in there.

Mean girls is a popular film based around high school girls. This immediate attracts a younger female audience, as the topic of "school" is annotated with a younger audience. The cover consists of 4 girls, which would make a female more likely to pick it up, as the girls are all in pink. The use of the colour pink is effective, as it has strong connotations with a girly, romance nature.  Also, the actors/actressess in films would make a certain gender watch the film. Mean girls stars Linsey Lohan and Rachel Mcadams. These 2 icons are liked by the public, and are very well known, meaning people are more likely to watch the film.

Below is a chart analysing the age, gender and class of the film "the wedding singer". We can clearly see that the female audience is a much higher percentage of 16% to the male. We can also see the the highest age percentage is ages 15-2, which a lower average than expected, as it is based around marriage, which is seen as a mature, and older concept.


From the chart on the right, we can see that the male column for romance is a percentage of 9.6% and females a percentage of 15%. This helps explain the idea that romance films are aimed a female audience for many reasons that i have discussed on this blog page.

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