Friday 16 October 2015

Romance film conventions

Romance films Conventions:

Usually a "boy meets girl" scenario, most viewers want to see a happy ever after ending.

Sometimes a voice over at the begining of the film, to introduce the love theme, and setting. For example Notting Hill.

The characters end up going different ways because of an argument of disagreement, but end up back together by the end of the film.

Usually a overprotective or awkward parent, typically the girls dad. 

Usually aimed at a female audience, as females more emotional in a relashionship with men.

Prompts such as flowers, hearts and wedding bells are commonly seen.

Usually set in a well know, realistic setting.

Normally includes emotion and empathy.

Sometimes an annoying, 3rd wheel typed friend, who cannot get a relationship, but it somehow good at advice. 
Normally good looking, attractive and well known character playing the male.

The girl is usually innocent and quiet, living a normal life, and ends up with the man of her dreams. 

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