Tuesday 6 October 2015

Horror films target audience

Horror films have a range of different target audiences, usually ranging from ages 15-25. During young adulthood, teens and young adults are finding themselves and learning about the world they live in. They usually want to rush into life without thinking, and seek a thrill through doing so. This "thrill" is presented in horror films and can excite a younger audience. Take a film like Cabin In The Woods, this is a film where 5 friends all go on an adventure, where they stay in a Cabin and must discover the truth behind the decrepit, old house. This film would be suited to a target audience of couples, as there is also snip its of romance in the film. Below i have found a chart explaining the age, gender and class numbers of the film cabin in the woods. The chart shows that ages 15-24 is the highest age percentage of the film. This could be as they are younger, as i mentioned earlier, younger viewers prefer horror films than ages such as 45+ with only a figure of 4%.
The Cabin in the Woods (2012) Poster

Gender is also an important factor to consider in horror films. Usually men prefer horror movies than women. But personal preference must also be considered. Men stereo typically like violence and aggression and are usual thrill-seekers in horror films. Compared to women, they are often seen as more emotional and sensitive, so blood and Gorey films are usually not linked with the female gender. The chart below proves my point about men preferring horror in a way. In cabin in the woods 61% are male and only 39% were female.

Class is also important to consider. Horror films are usually aimed at the working class. This is because of the amount of thrill and excitement which is shown in the horror genre. Also, horror films can come at a cheaper price making it more affordable for people to go and see. If the upper class were to watch a horror film, it would be usually be a sub genre or another genre such as romance or comedies. This is due to the higher level of satisfaction middle class individuals seek during a film.


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