The opening music is sinister, daunting and low pitched. It has high pitched points and low, and has subtle screams in the background. This is effective, as it shows the initial representative of the film as gory as there is also blood on the screen. So it subtly shows the viewers what to expect, without actually showing any graphical image. The men are wearing suits in the picture above, suggesting they are upper class and have a well know place in society. This is unique, as you wouldn't expect a horror film to have men in suits in their work area, this makes the audience confused, but also more interested as to when the film gets more exciting, resulting in them watching the film the whole way through.
I wanted to focus on the main concept of the film and analyse the cabin itself. When the group of 5 friends arrive, they all stare at the house decisively, questioning whether this place is a safe and suitable place to stay for a week. One of the girls is blonde, and energetic and full of excitement. She rushes over the cabin and opens the door. In the picture, it shows a medium shot of all the characters backs towards the screen. This is effective, as we cannot see any emotion on their faces, so it leaves it up to us to decide what they look like. However, we can see their body language and one girl is hugging her boyfriend. This could suggest that she is scared and relies on her boyfriend for comfort and support, indicating the house is daunting and scary to them.
Near the end of the opening two minutes, their caravan breaks down, and they stop at a run down, old gas station. The area is immobile and for-boding, there are no birds or signs of nature, assuming that no one lives there. This suggests that the area is not liked by humans or any kind of living thing. A old, creepy man walks out and insults the group of friends. He has a evilish look in his eyes and automaticlly makes the audience know he is not a trustworthy character.
Sindey is portrayed as a innocent character. She is wearing a yellow toned jumper, with tracksuit bottom typed trousers. She always seems happy and could perhaps come across as slightly annoying. This is effective, as typical horror films usually have a innocent yet dumb character, which is usually the victim of an attack. Sindey seem like the perfect character. We know she is slightly "ditsy" due to the fact that she answers the phone. If a unknown number kept calling you, why would you answer the phone?
On the right, we see a long shot of our victim walking through her house. This is effective, as we can see in the shot, the majority is the background of her dining room. This makes the audience automatically look in the background, as we stereo typically expect to see someone or a slight jerk of movement.
Innocently, we see Sindey on the phone to this "mysterious
knife block/tray. This is significant, as we would expect to see these
used as a weapon as the concept of "blood and gore"
is a common trait in horror films. It makes us think that these knives will be used against
her, as she is innocently, playing with them while she is on the phone.
Her name is Casey Becker, Sidney is actually the protagonist of the film