Wednesday 14 October 2015

Conventions Of Action Films

Action films are a very popular favorite movie genre with the general public. In this blog, i will be discussing the typical action films conventions, that occur in Action films

The first typical convention in a action films has to be the car chases. We all love a exhilarating, and stimulating car chase, that puts us all in suspense. This makes the film more exciting, and adds to the thrill of the action/adventure genre

Another convention, is having futuristic, cars and motorcycles. The vehicle tends to be high tech with a dangerous weapon hidden under the car seat or in the bonnet of the car. This helps the audience see the thrill in the film.

The women tend to be promiscuous, there is usually the "attractive" one, that is good at fighting, and ends up getting brutally killed by the end of the film. Or, you have the typical blonde, that gets shot at the very beginning of the film.

Usually, there is a protagonist, who is the "normal guy" that ends up having a hidden power or talent.

Humorous dialogue is used to diffuse intense situations.

The men who are strong and masculine, tend to be the ones who live the longest, and ones who are feminine and girly e.g gays, tend to be the ones shot or murdered first.

The setting is modern, at either set in the future or past, to keep the audience on their seats.

Usually cringey cliches said by the antagonist "kill them all" in a deep, sinister voice, rather than saying "kill some of them" On the other hand, the good guy, would say something along the lines of "i will kill you" ( take taken for example).

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