Monday 16 November 2015

The amazing spider man two (3)

For my third opening to a film,I chose the amazing spider man two. I wanted to change the genre compared to the second opening film.

When New York is put under siege by Oscorp, it is up to Spider-Man to save the city he swore to protect as well as his loved ones.- IMBD.

The film begins with powerful,loud and energetic deigeic music playing in the background. It almost sounds like superhero music, that you hear when they have defeated the protagonist in a film. We then see the spidermann symbol appear on the screen. This is effective,as it successfully shows the audience a direct indication about what the film is based on. It also holds strong connotations with power and strength, due to the fact that spider man is a hero.

Next, we see a behind shot of spider man falling from the sky. This is effective as it jumps straight into the action of the film. From my research of action/adventure films, i know that this is a typical action/adventure convention used in film. Furthermore, we can see the city through the gaps of spidermans arms. From what we can see, it looks very urban and busy. It seems like there is a lot of people living there, which makes spider mans role even more significant. As spiderman falls deeper to the ground, we hear cars beeping loudly. This could have been done through using the Foley Process. This is a process by which sounds are made physically, by using objects that would create similar, if not the same sound. For example, if they wanted to emphasize the sound of a broken leg, they would snap a carrot or a celery stick. This could have been used with the car's horn, by using a claxon. The Foley Process helps to emphasize the sounds, so they are more dramatic and appealing to the audience.

We then see a low angled shot of spiderman swinging through the air. This is effective as it makes the character look like they are authoritative and more dominant, as the camera is looking up at them. The perspective shows spider man to be more powerful and strong and emphasizes his heroic figure.

We next see an establishing shot with spider man and a helicopter involved. Using a helicopter is effective as its a strong convention used in action films that the audience expects to see. It is also seen as a "cool" gadget/technology to use in filming. We now know where the film is set as spider man mentions "look out for me today new york". We know that New York is a busy, eccentric city, which the audience can clearly see from the establishing shots.

Towards the end of the first minute, we see a car chase between a large truck and police men. The guy in the truck looks rough and scary. We can see this through the gold chains around his neck, and an adidas tracksuit. This makes the audience automatically think that he is the protagonist in the film. 

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