Monday 16 November 2015

John Tucker Must Die (2)

For my second analysis of a film, i chose a romantic comedy/chick flick film called John Tucker Must die. Its based around a popular, attractive and likebale guy named John who is dating 3 girls at the same time. They then meet a girl named kate who helps them to get revenge on him tactically, but all comes falling down in the end.

The film begins with non diegetic music playing in the background. The music is upbeat and cheery, which helps to set the setting of a high school in America. We see a close up shot of our main character Kate. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and is quite short. Having blonde hair is stereo typically seen as the individual being dumb and clumsy, however as we get to know Kate we see that she subverts to this idea. Kate describes herself as "anonymous" so from this idea the audience can already start to work out the kind of girl that she is.

She introduces her life story, about her mum, location, friends etc. We then jump cut to a high school basket ball game, where we meet one of our main characters, John. John is shown to be muscly, he is playing basketball, and we see him score numerous times. This indicates to the audience that he is sporty and athletic. The use of the establishing shot to show the crowd, helps to set the setting of an American high school. Also, by showing a large crowd it indicates a popular and well known event that is going on, which helps to correspond with Johns "popular" character.

We hear diegetic sound being made through the screams of the crowds voices when we see that they have won the game. We see this through a long shot. This is effective because it shows the body language of the characters, demonstrating that everyone is happy that they won the game.

On the right we see a two shot/medium shot 
of John and 1 of his girlfriends Carrie.
We can see through Carries face that she likes
John and she is smiling at him. From what she is
wearing, we can see she is an average, teenage girl
at school. In contrast, from Johns facial expression
we can see he is really into the game, and pleased that he has just won the game. The use of the microphone prop, further connotes the idea of Johns popularity, as it suggests he is on T.V

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