Tuesday 10 November 2015

Strengths&weaknesses of preliminary task.


I think the use of sound effects on our clip was effective and realistic. We inserted a clip of a school bell which was realistic to the environment where we filmed our clip. We also timed it correctly on adobe, so that the sound effect did not run into the conversation.

We also effectively used the 180 degree rule, whereby we did not pass the line to make the clip look disorientated. This was the main rule that we did not want to break, and i feel we did this successfully.

We used match on action in our clip as well. We used this, when the character with the blonde hair is walking down the stairs. We filmed a medium shot of her walking down the stairs, and then a close up shot of her walking down the stairs. I feel this is successful as we accurately timed it, making sure the character was on the correct step at the correct timing to make sure there was no accidental jump cuts in the clip.

We are incorporated a shot reverse shot in the conversation between the blonde and the brunette characters. We used over the shoulder shots to show the conversation. By using a shot reverse shot, it makes sure that the audience is not talking to themselves. It also ensures that the conversation flows properly, and makes sure that the viewers are not left confused if there was any mistakes made.

My favorite shot is this one on the right. I think this because it shows the rule of thirds in filming. It made the audience look directly at
the blonde character, but makes us sympathise with the
brunette character, as she is seen as the innocent one in the clip.

 There is one key point that stands out in our clip, which i believe is a fault. Its when the brunette character falls back slightly in laughter, and then quickly jumps to the other character. This breaks the rules of continuity in filming. It makes the audience automatically switch back to reality, and makes them realise that its just a bunch of teenagers filming.

Although we did include the rule of 3 effectively in some shots, there were other scenes where this is not used as well.  In this shot, the rule of thirds is broken. The audience automatically looks at the door in the background, rather than the brunette character. This makes the scene look disorientated and messy.

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