Monday 23 November 2015

Certificate Research

All films made or created by some of the most talented directors all have something in common- they all have a labelled certificate on them. Age ratings on films can go from a U all the way to an 18. Although, the certificate on the film, should match the target audience of the film. This is because if there was a film aimed at an audience for children, yet was certificated an "18" this would make the film company loose money, and fans to the film, as 18 year olds + would be there main target audience. Films have certificates on them, in order to either protect the viewers from harmful or offensive content or to prevent children under age from watching content that they might find offensive. Certificates on films are created by the BBFC, which stands for BRITISH BOARD OF FILM CLASSIFICATION.

PG stands for parental guidance. As probably presumed, this type of certificate is aimed at a younger audience. " A PG film should not unsettle a child aged 8 or older"-THE BBFC. However, a PG is considered to be for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. Not all PG films have been made with a younger audience in mind, such as "saving Mr Banks" however, the certificate still implies that the content in the film should not upset a child of 8 or younger. It is suggested that if the child wants to watch the film, they are accompanied by an adult. This suggests that some PG films must appeal to the older generation as well. The accompanied adult can decide if they want their child to watch the film, this can be done by viewing the trailer, to see how sensitive, or graphic the film is for their child.

The U symbol stands for universal. From the BBFC it Is said that the film should not upset viewers from ages four and under. The U certificate is used, as it is practically impossible to predict what might upset a particular child. Violence in U rated in films, is usually kept very mild. Any fights that happen are usually resolved quickly, to avoid the viewers from tress or unsettlement.  There may also be brief scenes of victims in danger, however the scenes are well balanced with reassuring elements, such as comic interludes of light hearted music. U rated films are usually set in a moralistic, and positive atmosphere. It teaches right from wrong, which helps young children in their learning development. These types of films are sometimes cartoons. This is because they suit the target audience, and will attract more viewers as the younger ages can find them more relatable.

12 and 12A films are video networks that are not suitable for the ages of 12 and under. No one under the age  of 12 should see a 12A without an adult ( hence the letter "A"). The parents should also take into consideration whether the film is appropriate for that child, as some viewers could still find it distracting, meaning the adult must take full responsibility if the child becomes harmed or offended. The 12 rated certificate clearly and concisely shows that children can watch the film, if they are aged 12 and above. The colouring is effective, as the colour red has connotations with danger, with exaggerates that the 12 rated film may contain more offensive/harmful viewing than a 12A certificated film.

The film with a 15 on it, obviously shows that the particular film is aimed at people 15+. Aggressive violence, nudity, sexual scenes and nature, drug taking and discriminatory language and behaviour is all common material expected in a 15 rated film. In addition, 15's tend to be either horrors or adult comedies as there is rude or offensive material, that younger viewers would not appreciate, or would not understand. There is no limit on how much offensive language can be used, however continual use of it, will be rated at a 15. Films such as "the ring" and "paranormal activity" are rated at 5's.

Films aged at 18's are not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. This is because the content in the film, is too graphic or offensive for anyone who is not considered an adult. You can also not purchase a film rated at an 18, if you are not 18 or older. You would have to prove your age with I.D, as the 18 rated films are considered too harmful for children.

What will ours film be and why?

We want our film to be a 15. This is because our genre is a thriller/action, in which are mainly aimed at 15 year olds. We feel that if our film was set as a 12, it would not attract our target audience, as they would not be as passionate about a thriller than a young adult would be. We didn't want to choose an 18, as it would be too high, and people may presume that the film is too graphic and violent, turning viewers away. We feel that a 15 is an acceptable age rating, through researching thrillers, and finding their target audiences.

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