Sunday 1 November 2015

Other constructive feedback on first technical task

Feedback from other people:

We were told that our use of setting was effective. They liked that we changed areas for each scene. They said this made our clip "relatable" and "realistic". They also liked the use of different camera shots, as it showed a wider range of knowledge and skills.

We received a range of different feedback from other groups, which helped us to understand what to do, in order to achieve a better and more successful video clip.

The first was to change the sound altogether. Having a "beach waves" soundtrack to our clip, was said to be "irrelevant" and " unrealistic". To improve, we were suggested to use a different soundtrack such as a sound clip or children playing. This way, it would suit the environment much more.

We were also advised to possibly put a filter on our clip such as black and white, or sepia. By doing this, they said it would make our clip have some kind of genre added to it, which would make our clip much more realistic, and interesting.

 Lastly, we were advised to include camera movement. I agree with this strongly. I feel even if we used a "zoom" in one of our clips, it would make it more captivating, and a show a larger range of skills.

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