Sunday 6 December 2015

soundtrack research

  • For our film, we had to find non- copyrighted music that would suit each scene in our film. A classic convention of thriller films, is the dramatic climax. We had to make sure that the music that we did, suits the location we are in. In our play we have 3 key locations. ( opening scene with full friendship group, the coffee shop scene and the assault scene in the woods.) As you can already tell, each location has to have a different tempo/ speed of music, to ensure our audience does not get confused. for example, we cannot have the same soundtrack playing in the coffee shop, that we are going to have in the assault scene, as we feel it will break continuity in the film. It will leave our audience confused, and puzzled, which we want to avoid as much as possible.

We used you tube/you tube converter to find non copyrighted music to put into our film, and we found three possible suggestions. 

The opening scene with the 4 characters all present:

1) Inspirational Piano Music( possibly)- COPYRIGHT FREE HD

This music is very slow. It has a soft ring to it, which helps to suit the setting of our opening scene. This also fits the conventions of thriller films, as the audience isn't always thrown straight into the action, but sometimes a normal/realistic location which creates a mysterious emotion to the film, as the audience will be confused, as to why there is no action right at the beginning of the film. The use of the piano, is a good instrument to use. Its soft, but can be made more dramatic by pressing the keys harder. We feel this soundtrack could be ideal for our opening scene, as it is not to harsh, and fits the setting well. However, we do feel it is a bit too slow. We feel this may make the audience bored, and uninterested, which we want to avoid as much as possible. 

2) Inspirational and Uplifting Music- Northern Express (Copyright and Royalty Free)

We also really like this for another option of for our opening film music. Its very similar to the other one, but is a bit more speeded up. This will create more suspense in the film and will make the audience feel the "dramatic climax" that we want to achieve. The piano keys are pressed slightly harder at some points, which will emphasize the idea of the climax.

Coffee shop scene:

1) Epic and emotional Music- parallel ( copyright and royalty free)

We liked this as a possible option for the coffee shop scene. Its slow, and not too upbeat. This will create a smooth, and simplistic atmosphere, and make the setting seem calm. It will help the audience to understand that there is no harsh action happening in that particular scene.  However, the music sounds slightly mysterious, which will make our audience think something is going to happen. This creates the dramatic climax that we are trying to achieve.

Assault/ murder scene:

1)  Scary horror music- Haunted- ( copyright and royalty free)

This is our favorite option of music that we found. Its creepy, sinister and has eary sounds in it. The use of the bell typed sounds, creates a climax, and sounds slightly childlike. The use of the "childlike" music, sounds creepy, and fits the conventions of a thriller film. The music then drops, and becomes very loud, with a sudden drop. Using adobe premiere, we will fit the music to when Tara is first being attacked, for the drop to hit. This will make our audience shocked/ scared. This is my favorite soundtrack of all the research we have done.

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