Tuesday 15 December 2015

Questionnaire Results

From our questionnaire we got a full range of results, that will help us determine what film we want to produce. It was important to gather results from a different range of the general public, so that our results weren't biased to one age group, or one particular gender. The results will also help us determine what aspects we want in our film, such as how people are going to die, and what weapons we will use. 

Question one response:

Question two Response:
Question three Response:
Question Four Response: 

Question Five Response:

Question Six Response:

Question Seven Response:
From our results we have concluded that most people like horrors and thrillers. We will use this information to help us decide which is the best genre to go with.  From question two, we found out that the majority of people think that "murder" is the most stereotypical thing to happen in a thriller film. In our film, we want to consider what other people like, but also have our own individuality to it as well. Thus, we are going to include a murder scene, but the protagonist will be still alive, without the antagonist knowing. From question 5, we found out that the majority of people like the name "Alleyway". To add our own individuality, we have decided to call our film "The Alley." We feel this is an effective name, as its short, snappy and quick. Similarly to the assault scene.

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