Friday 11 December 2015

Camera Angles/ Shots used in our film

Camera shots used in our film:
In our film, we used a range of different camera shots, in able to show our creativitiy learnt from our theory lessons. It was fun getting into all sorts of different positions and angles, to be able to achieve an effective shot. Some of the shots we included was:

1) Canted angle-  A camera angle which is deliberately slanted to one side sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease disorientation frantic or desperate action intoxication madness. We used this in our film, when recording Tara walking across the bridge. It created a more tense, and uneasy atmosphere.

2) Extreme close up shot- A shot that shows facial expressions, shows things in detail. We used this, when recording Tara's hand movement, to show the detail, and the suspense, as its a significant point in our film.

3) Mid shot- Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject. Used in our film when showing the antagonist running to attack the protagonist. Also used at the coffee shop scene.

4) Over the shoulder shot- Looking from behind a person at the subject. Used in our film, in a conversation between Rosemary and Bella. Shows different their different viewpoints and perspectives.

5) Two shot- A shot of two people, framed similarly to a mid shot.  Used in a conversation between Bella and Rosemary. Also used in the main assault scene.

6) Close up shot- A certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame. Used in our film to show Tara's facial expressions, when being suffocated.

7) Long shot-  Shows the location, and the body language of a subject. Used at the beginning, to show the location of the woods. Creates suspense/climax.

We also included some editing angles:

1) Match on Action- Match on action is a very simple but essential technique, where the perspective of the camera changes during a scene and the scene continues to flow. Used in our film in the coffee shop. Shows that we can use a range of skills, and helps the dramatic climax.

2) Shot Reverse Shot: a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. Used in our film between the conversation between Bella and Rosemary. Makes the audience feel relatable to the characters.

3) Pan: Panning is moving the camera slowly, with a smooth flow. You can pan from left or from right. Used write at the beginning of our film, shows the location/setting, gives an insight to wear the film is taking place.

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