Wednesday 2 December 2015

Mood Board

This is my mood board that I created. It has various images pasted on there, which I found off of google images. I feel this photographs symbolise a lot in our film. I think that if you hadn't seen any of our ideas, you would be able to get a clear representation of what our film is about. The images are very negative, but also some are positive. For example, the photograph with the girl walking the dog, appears very pleasant and relaxing. It comes across relatable, as many people walk their dogs in the woods, and does not appear suspicious. However, the photograph with someone being suffocated in a bag, and the guy in the hoodie, appears very negative. It makes people feel scared and vulnerable, as they have negative connotations with the element of death.


 It makes the audience feel homely, as its a busy and lively. Coffee shops are local places that many of the public go to, we thought that using a coffee shop would make the audience feel more related to the film.


The picture of the watch can resemble many things. Its a bit ambiguous, and leaves the audience to presume why its there. This will make the audience want to watch our film even more, as they will want to wonder, why the watch is in the mood board. Obviously, watches are used to tell the time, and timing can be seen as a problem in some horror/thriller films...

The photograph with the girl looking scared we thought was effective. The use of the facial expressions, and body language, of having her hands in her mouth, resembles that she is frightened. We thought this would be a good photograph to include, as it tells our audience some of the emotions that will be shown in our film.


As mentioned in other blog posts, we will be using the mobile phone. Using a mobile phone, allows the audience to see more into the characters, as phones are usually seen as a very personal item. We thought it would be a good idea to include a phone in the mood board, as it suggests to the audience that there will be a mysterious phone call/message. It gives the audience a further insight into our film, without having to use a character on the screen.


we thought it would be good to include fake blood in our mood board. Blood has very negative connotations such as "death" and "injury". Blood is a common convention used in horror, and we want to include it in our film. We agreed that blood is very negative, and we want our audience to feel the sheer horror, and suspense, and we feel blood can do this effectively.


Hoodies have very negative connotations with them such as " danger".  When people wear hoodies, their faces are hidden, which creates a sense of mysteriousness, and uncertainty. Our antagonist will have their face hidden, which makes a sort of " who done it?" storyline, which is a common convention used in thriller films


This picture comes across strange, as a plastic bag would seem odd to see in a thriller film, which is why I included someone being suffocated in a bag as well. We thought this was an effective way to kill someone as its unique. Most films use weapons such as a gun or a knife. We wanted to take our film one step further, and think outside the box a bit  more. The thought of suffocating someone in a bag is very negative and uncomfortable to watch. ( DONT PANIC, NO ONE WILL BE SUFFOCATED DURING THE MAKING OF OUR FILM!)

This picture resembles someone receiving a message. I feel this is a secret way of communicating, without anything being verbally said. I think it brings to mind thoughts of secrecy, which is a key aspect in our film.

As at the beginning of our film, we are having Tara ( Nadiye) walking her dog, we wanted a picture to resemble this. Walking the dog is an every day activity that many people do. It also comes across slightly innocent, and we want our victim to come across like this, as it makes the attack seem more sinister and dangerous.
Overall, if feel this mood board has negative and positive thoughts in it. I included as many images as I could think of, linked to our film. I feel this gives our audience a better understanding of our film, and the use of imagery can be more easier to understand sometimes, than writing everything out.

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