The primary reason we chose to use the dog, is because it gave Tara a purpose to be in the woods in the first place. I feel that some films have the stereotypical "girl in the woods and gets killed", but don't always have a meaning as to why the girl is in the woods in the first place. The woods is an ideal place to walk a dog, as there is different places to go and explore. The use of the dog, also makes our protagonist appear more innocent, as walking your dog seems like an innocent activity to do.
The plastic bag is our assault weapon. We thought that using a bag is unique, as not many films use suffocation, its usually being stabbed or shot. We feel this gives our film a unique twist and has our own individuality to it. When filming the suffocation, we had to ensure that everything was safe. So, we cut holes in the bag so that i was still able to breathe efficiently.
The Balaclava
The main reason we decided to use the balaclava, was to hide the identity of the antagonist. In thriller films, there is usually a chase to find out who killed the victim. By hiding the face, it creates suspense and a climax in our film. By only being able to see the eyes, it appears more sinister and scary-looking, as it allows the audience to see the emotion in an individual facial feature, rather than the whole face.
The coffee cup
We feel the coffee cup is an effective and subtle prop used in our film. It helps to make the film more realistic, as the general public can relate to the brand, as well as the location. We all agreed that by buying the drink it would help to set the film, and make it more relatable to the audience.
The Phone:
By using the phone in filming, it helps to show a more modern twist on our film. The use of technology is increasing globally and becoming a great success to modern day life. By using the phone, it allows the characters to communicate without being face to face with each other. It also allows us to do more filming, as we have to film each of the characters on the other end of the phone.
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