Friday 1 January 2016

Analysis Of Script One

Tara- Hi its Tara, sorry i cant get to the phone right now, please leave a message after the tone.

( Answerphone soundtrack )

Ellie- Look Tara, you obviously don't care about our friendship, so don't speak to me again. ( ironic, as Tara wont be able to speak to Ellie again, regardless, as she is "dead") 



Bella- Is it done? ( Bella cant bring herself to verbally say what Rosemary has done. )

Rosemary- shes dead. ( Sounds blunt and sharp, makes it seem like Rosemary doesn't care about what she has done, and makes the audience feel negative towards Rosemary, due to the fact she is not sympathetic towards Tara, and has no care for what she has done.)

Bella- How did you do it?! ( shows that Bella is unaware of how Rosemary had done, shows her to be doubtful, and a little bit inconspicuous.)

Rosemary- ( pulls out plastic bag from her right pocket) - (shows that she has no words to justify what she has done- could suggest a sense of guilt to the audience.)

Bella- Wheres the body?

Rosemary- I left her down the alley, but the dog got away...-    ( "The Alley" is mentioned in the script by one of the characters, shows a direct link to the content of the film and the title of it. "But the dog got away" The use of the coordinating conjunction "but" suggests that the dog getting away could be seen as a problem which may occur in the rest of the film. Also, saying the word "her" instead of using her proper name (Tara) shows a rude and disrespectful trait that our antagonist has,which suits the conventions of a thriller film.) 

Bella- We never speak of this again. ( shows that she may be feeling guilty and regretting what has happend. Could also suggest that she is scared of the consequences the assault could cause.)

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