Sunday 24 January 2016

Film Schedule #1

As there is a lot of us working together on our film, we need to find the correct time when everyone is free to film. We filmed our opening two minutes in the Christmas holidays on Sunday the 20th 2015, as it was the Christmas holidays, everyone wanted to relax, this is why we felt it was important to put a film schedule together, so that we were all motivated and determined to work and get the filming done! Unfortunately, we were not able to film everything all in one day as we needed different locations. Using the film schedule helped us a lot in arranging our film and the scenes in our film.

Sunday the 20th of December 2015--

12:00pm- Meet at Sainsbury's local in Fetcham village, go into the supermarket to purchase food, for in-between filming snacks.

12:10pm- Start walking towards the woods, also known as " The Splash".

12:25pm- Set up the camera onto the correct modes and settings.

12:30- Get into costumes and outfits to prepare for scene one.

12:45-  Get first shot filmed accurately and precisely.

1:00pm- Move further into the woods into a different scenery to film scenes 2 and 3.

1:20pm- Have a break/snack and look over what we have done, and decide whether we need to retake any scenes to improve them.

1:40pm- Film the rest of the scene 3 if not already completed.

2:00pm- Set up assault scene, by cutting holes into the plastic bag precisely around Nadiye's head.

2pm -3:55pm - Filmed the rest of the scene accurately and we were all happy with the final outcomes.  

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