Tuesday 2 February 2016

Presentation Overview Of Our Film

After we made our film, we received feedback from other members of the class. We presented our film and our choices, which we worked upon at the beginning of the year. It was interesting to get a range of different feedback comments, from both male's and female's,. This meant that we could get different perspectives and viewpoints from different genders, suggesting that they would both have different factors to think about. e.g the boys may be more interested in the action and the aggressive violence presented in our film,and the girls may be more interested in the costumes and the girls's friendship. We got lots of positive points regarding the sound in our film. We used a soundtrack on our film, which was eerie and sinister. Although, this may conform to a horror, film we added in extra sound effects and files which enabled our audience to feel the suspense and be able to relate it to a thriller film. One girl in the feedback stated " I really like how the sound drops in the film which conforms to a thriller genre." This idea i feel we also did well. we used the sound level monitor on adobe premiere elements, which allowed us to edit how loud we wanted the music to be in our film. This meant that the sound levels fluctuated  meaning that the audience could also feel the suspense. 
Another student mentioned "I like how they manipulated using the bag, so the actress still wasn't harmed." We feel that we did this well, as the idea of suffocation is very extreme and violent. We had to ensure that the character/ person wasn't harmed during the assault and we feel we did this successfully. We cut holes in parts of the bag, and then took footage on the camera at different intervals. This gave the illusion of someone being suffocated, when actually they were breathing the whole time.  People also seemed to take a strong liking to the use of our cross cutting. We cross cutted to show the audience two locations. We feel that this made our film more interesting, as it meant that the audience wouldn't get bored with watching the same location all the time. By using a local area such as the coffee shop, it made the scene more relatable, especially to our target audience of 15 year olds. 

However, we did get some constructive criticism, on our film. One person metioned "They could have used different fonts on their titles" We all also agree with this to an extent. We feel that using different titles would have made the it look more thriller like. However, we also feel that if we changed all of our titles, it could have looked messy and unsophisticated. So this is the reasoning why we didn't change the font. However, we have taken this advice on board, and we will use it to help us in the future of our film making. 

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